Angelo and Joanna  Lionti

Angelo and Joanna Lionti

Broker of Record and Real Estate Broker

FinchTown Realty Inc., Brokerage

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Angelo and Joanna  Lionti

Angelo and Joanna Lionti

Broker of Record and Real Estate Broker

FinchTown Realty Inc., Brokerage

Email Me

Selling Tips

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10-Step Guide to Selling Your Home10 Questions to Ask When Hiring a REALTORDo it Alone or Use a RealtorHome Preparation ChecklistListing Your HomeWhat to Expect From Your RealtorThe Realtor CommitmentHelpful Links

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Call Angelo and Joanna:647-794-6174


Property Ownership today empowers individuals financially and emotionally as it also benefits the economy and surrounding community. Since it is the largest real estate transaction most people will ever make, it is a huge decision.  It could be a home to live more comfortably, a place to have fun, a place of employment, or an investment opportunity. Buying or selling real estate is often a complex, overwhelming, and time consuming process as you want to make sure it is done right. Keeping this process simple is how we are able to help you so that you are able to spend your valuable time enjoying life with your family and friends and building wealth. We are committed to delivering an exciting and trouble-free experience through our professional service, in-depth knowledge and 25+ years of experience. We take the buying and selling real estate process seriously as we consult with you every step of the way, negotiate on your behalf, and oversee the many transaction details for a smooth closing. Each and every client is provided with the highest quality of service as we reach their goals of property ownership.

Your Real Estate Consultants for Life

Experienced in all real estate transactions from pre-constuction, new, resale or lease: residential, condominiums, luxury homes, commercial, industrial, investment, and Florida properties

Understand the unique needs of sellers and buyers: first time buyers, growing families, downsizing families, seniors, professionals, investors, estate sales, divorce sales, power of sales

Maintain client confidentiality and represent clients’ best interests

Provide up to date Tenant and Landlord rights and responsibilities under the Residential Tenancies Act

ABR: Accredited Buyer Representatives skilled in working with today’s Buyers and thier needs

ASA: Accredited Senior Agents skilled in working with Seniors and their specific needs

Members of CREA, OREA, TREB, NAR

University of Toronto Graduates

Involved in the Greater Toronto Communtiy: Politics, Charitable Events, Sports Clubs, Fundraisers, Sponsorships, Religious and Social Groups

Speak English, Italian, and some French